Monday 24 August 2015

Happy 27th Birthday Rupert Grint

Happy birthday to the best ginger we know! Happy 27th birthday Rupert! Wish you all the very best in life, love you!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Happy Birthday Ginny Weasley

Happy birthday to the cutest but at the same time, bravest daughter of Weasley Family!

...Anything' s possible, if I have enough nerve. -Ginny Weasley.

Harry Potter Facts That You Might Not Know Part 2

Here I am with "Harry Potter Facts That You Might Not Know Part 2" if you want to read part one click here.

1) The driver and conductor of the Knight Bus, Ernie and Stan, are based upon Rowling' s two grandfathers.

2) Over the course of the Harry Potter films, six people played Voldemort.

3) Calling 1 (781) 452 - 4077 will put you through to the Hogwarts Hotline. From there you can learn more information directly from Hogwarts. (I will definitely call lol.)

4) Tom Felton, originally auditioned for the roles of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

5) Most of the scene where Bellatrix is torturing Hermione at the Malfoy' s Manor was cut to avoid and R rating in the USA. So intense and brutal as it was that Helena Bonham Carter approached Emma Watson right afterward to make sure they were still on good terms.

6) The least successful Harry Potter movie is the Prisoner of Azkaban, it earned approximately $90 million more than the most successful Twilight movie.

7) Alan Rickman was hand-picked by J.K Rowling to play Snape.

8) Fred and Snape was Hogwarts prankters from different generations, and they both died while laughing.

9) The last words we both hear Lily Potter and Severus Snape say are "Always."

10) The ending of Deathly Hallows, was written before the 2nd, 3rd, 4ft, 5th and 6th books were written.

11) J.K. Rowling completed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on January 11, 2007 at Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh, Scotland.

12) Harry, Ron and Hermione were all put on Chocolate Frog cards.

13) Richard Harris only agreed to take the part as Albus Dumbledore after his granddaughter thereatened him about never speaking to him again.

14) There is a note in the end credits of Goblet of Fire that says "No dragons were harmed in the making of this movie."

15) J.K Rowling' s editor wanted to cut the troll scene. But Rowling insisted on saying no, because she felt that given how annoying Hermione had been up until then, that she literally needed something huge to reedem her in Harry and Ron' s eyes.

16) Expecto Patronum literally translates to "I await a guardian." in Latin.

17) The third smell that Hermione smells, but does not say, when describing the effects of the Amortentia Potion back in HBP, was Ron' s hair.

18) Hagrid never married, and he never had any kids.

19) Harry occassionally makes visits to the school to give lectures on DADA.

20) Harry became the youngest head of Auror Office, at the age of 27.

21) No matter what Hagrid thinks, dragons can not be domesticated.

22) The inscripton on the mirror of erised, when placed in front of a normal mirror, "Erised stra ehru oyt ube carfu oyt on woshi." which reads, "I show not your face but your heart' s desire."

23) Voldemort is meant to be pronounced "Volde-more."

24) Rowling knew she always wanted Bellatrix and Molly to fight each other, because she wanted to have a battle of obsessive love vs. maternal love.

25) The core of the Elder Wand is a hair from the tail of a Thestral. This feat of mastering the powerful and tricky substance can only be accomplished by a witch or wizard who is capable of facing death.

26) Most people know that Dumbledore is gay. However a lot of pepople doesn' t know that he was in love with Gellert Grindelwald.

27) Hermonie is the only one in the trio who returned to Hogwarts. She completed her 7th year by joining Ginny' s year.

28) It was believed that Voldemort would become a ghost after his death, but JKR said his soul was split to many times, he is instead trapped in limbo.

29) The curse on the teaching job for DADA was broken after Voldemort died.

30) Draco does not marry Pansy because both he and JKR always hated her.

31) Lord Voldemort was incapable of loving someone because he was conceived under the effect of a love potion.

32) James Potter was actually a chaser in Quidditch, and not a seeker as it said in the movie.

33) The Veil in OotP at the Ministry is the barrier between the land of living and the land of the dead. When a living person approaches it, the souls recognize a loved one nearby and attempt to communicate.

34) For his audution tape, Rupert Grint dressed up like his female drama teacher and rapped about Ron Weasley. He sent it into a program that would get the names out of aspiring and actresses. It began, "Hello, my name' s Rupert Grint, I hope you don' t think I stink."

35) Snape' s last wish was Harry to look at him, to see Lily Evan' s eyes once more.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Top 10 Harry Potter Websites

So there are 10 Harry Potter Websites that I like the most! Enjoy!

1) Pottermore: If you' re not a part of Pottermore already, you' ve been missing so much! It is the greatest website related to Harry Potter, I' ve ever seen! You should definitely sign up for it! And if you want to duel with me, my username is; CharmScarlet4499. But keep in mind that you have to sign up first!

2) The Wizarding World of Harry Potter: One word; AMAZING! You should definitely try and find out what they have at the website by yourself!

3) Bloomsbury: I've tried the quiz called 'Who is your Hogwarts best friend?', mine is Ron Weasley! Click here and find out who is your' s!

4) Harry Potter Wizard's Collection: Explore the collection or buy one!

5) Mugglenet: Mugglenet has literally everything you would need.

6) The Leaky-Cauldron: If you' re looking for Harry Potter crafts, this website will be so useful for you! They also release news about Harry Potter EVERYDAY!

7) Harry Potter Fans: They have good articles and more!

8) Harry Potter Fan Zone: They have great pictures, videos and articles.

9) Scholastic: Have fun playing the games and more.

10) Harry Potter Fanfiction: If you would like to read some fanfictions, such a good site. You can even write your own fanfiction!