Friday 12 June 2015

Hello Potterheads!

Hello Potterheads! I'm Gizem İnce.

So I want my first post to be about me, and what this blog is about. 

I am from Northern Cyprus and I live in Nicosia which is the capital city of the island. If you don't know where it is, it's the neighbour country of Turkey. I was born on 21th of October in 2000.

In my free times I, sing, play piano, listen to music, read books, watch movies and Youtube videos. I'm thinking about starting Youtube too, but I don't know, we will see what happens in a few weeks. Talking about the future; I want to study in England but I'm also in love with California, so I haven't decided about where to study at. But I'm quite sure that I will study something about drama or music. 

Fun fact: My favourite book/movie of the Harry Potter series is Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone.

As you can tell, this blog is about Harry Potter. I will post the news about it, things about the cast, some facts and some fun articles related to Potterheads and Harry Potter.

So as a summary; I'm just a wizard girl, living in a muggle world. Hahaha, thanks for reading! Bye!

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