Friday 2 December 2016

All About Them Christmas Scenes From Harry Potter!

And here we have the second post of the day. I wanted to share some Christmas scenes because I can't be the only one who is in love with them, enjoy!

Hogwarts in the snow 2016

Hey friends! So as you know, Hogwarts gets covered in snow every year and the same happened this year too. Here you have the photos;

Warner Bros Studios are inviting you to see Hogwarts in it's such festive look, covered with snow and Christmas decorations all around.

If any of you guys decide to go, here is the link of WBS where you can book a ticket online! Have fun!

Thursday 24 November 2016

Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them Premier - London & World

HELLO! As you guys probably know, the Fantastic Beasts was released on 18th of November and there were two premiers a week before the movie. One was London Premier and the other was World Preimer.

I wanted to bless you guys with the pictures of this amazing cast, some good old friends - you'll see what I mean, and of course with our queen aka J.K Rowling. Enjoy!

London Premier:

World Premier:

P.S: I'm thinking about doing a vlogmas, don't forget to check for the posts that include Christmas and Harry Potter! Doesn't that sound good? Until then take care guys!

Monday 31 October 2016

RIP James and Lily Potter + Happy Halloween


Hello friends! It has been so long since the last time I've posted something. I missed writing to be honest, I love this blog.

Today marks the death of James and Lily Potter, who were the best wizards of their age. We all know that James wasn't the best against Severus, and to be honest with you, sometimes it pisses me off too. But, he was a good father... And Lily, a mother who saved her son by her love. How amazing was she?

At the end of the day, we all have done the good and the bad. Today, I want you to forgive James and hope that they are happy now, together in a peaceful place.

Raise your wands for Lily and James Potter, gone but never forgotten.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Is Harry Potter Go really happening?


As you all know, Pokemon Go is literally played by people all over the world. After the release and success of the game, reports revealed that Niantic is working on another game which is Harry Potter Go!

It is going to be similar to Pokemon Go. Potterheads-we will have the chance to explore different schools of wizardy and learn new spells and powers in the game, which will be used during the battles with other wizards.

The developers said that they already decided on the rights for the app. They also said that the app is going to be released in 2017. Lastly majors characters like Harry Potter, Ron Weasley or Hermione Granger might be included in the game.

To be honest, I'm so excited.

And yes, that's it about the details for now guys, stay tuned for the updates about the game! Hope you enjoyed, aaaand I'll see you later :) Take care!

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Pottermore reveals a video, writings and the sorting test of Ilvermorny!

THE ONLY SENTENCE THAT CAN EXPRESS MY FEELINGS IS "OH MY GOD!". You guys, I can not describe you how excited I am for this movie, and all these new about Ilvermorny makes me feel even more excited!

First things first, watch the video about the school by clicking right here!

There are new houses that you can be sorted into via a test. I already did mine and I'm a Thunderbird. Doesn't it sound like a Ravenclaw a bit? And the sign of it is a bird too! As both the new and the old sorting test of Hogwarts says, I'm a Gryffindor, but the thing is I always thought that I had a Ravenclaw in me, and aaaaah I'm so exciteeeeed! Oh and there are four houses; Horned Serpent, Wampus, Thunderbird and Pukwudgie.

Here is the wallpaper of my house. That's so ravenclaw, get it? Lol

If you haven't already, click here to get sorted into your house at Ilvermorny. And tell me which one you get into please, I would love to know!

I'll see you later, and until then stay beautiful!

Friday 3 June 2016

First pictures of the characters from Harry Potter and Cursed Child has been revealed!

As you all know, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two is coming very soon and the first pictures of the characters has been relevead! Have a look at them!

Have a look at Harry, her lovely wife Ginny and their son Albus. Click here to read the details.

And here we have Draco Malfoy with his son! How handsome is his son?! Click here for the details about them.

And the last but not least; Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Ron Granger - Weasley. Hermione looks different, huh? :D But it does not matter, she is such a gorgeous lady and I bet that this she is going to play the role of Hermione perfectly too. Click here to see the details.

Click here to watch the photo shoot behind the new Cursed Child portraits, and hear from the actors behind the roles.