Thursday 23 July 2015

Happy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe

Today is a really special day for Potterheads all over the world! Today is the birthday of Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter and the chosen one.

"Dan, you didn't get lucky. You were and are the perfect Harry and will be forever." J.K Rowling.

We, as Potterheads, would like to thank Daniel for our childhoods. Our lifes, would be so different without Harry Potter. I am one hundred percent sure, that we are the luckiest generation, we are the Harry Potter generation.

Happy 26th birthday to our very own Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe. Thank you for being the perfect Harry Potter. We also thank you for allowing us to grow up with you. Good luck in your future, wish you the best.

Love you Daniel Jacob Radcliffe.

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