Thursday 6 August 2015

Top 10 Harry Potter Websites

So there are 10 Harry Potter Websites that I like the most! Enjoy!

1) Pottermore: If you' re not a part of Pottermore already, you' ve been missing so much! It is the greatest website related to Harry Potter, I' ve ever seen! You should definitely sign up for it! And if you want to duel with me, my username is; CharmScarlet4499. But keep in mind that you have to sign up first!

2) The Wizarding World of Harry Potter: One word; AMAZING! You should definitely try and find out what they have at the website by yourself!

3) Bloomsbury: I've tried the quiz called 'Who is your Hogwarts best friend?', mine is Ron Weasley! Click here and find out who is your' s!

4) Harry Potter Wizard's Collection: Explore the collection or buy one!

5) Mugglenet: Mugglenet has literally everything you would need.

6) The Leaky-Cauldron: If you' re looking for Harry Potter crafts, this website will be so useful for you! They also release news about Harry Potter EVERYDAY!

7) Harry Potter Fans: They have good articles and more!

8) Harry Potter Fan Zone: They have great pictures, videos and articles.

9) Scholastic: Have fun playing the games and more.

10) Harry Potter Fanfiction: If you would like to read some fanfictions, such a good site. You can even write your own fanfiction!

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