Tuesday 28 June 2016

Pottermore reveals a video, writings and the sorting test of Ilvermorny!

THE ONLY SENTENCE THAT CAN EXPRESS MY FEELINGS IS "OH MY GOD!". You guys, I can not describe you how excited I am for this movie, and all these new about Ilvermorny makes me feel even more excited!

First things first, watch the video about the school by clicking right here!

There are new houses that you can be sorted into via a test. I already did mine and I'm a Thunderbird. Doesn't it sound like a Ravenclaw a bit? And the sign of it is a bird too! As both the new and the old sorting test of Hogwarts says, I'm a Gryffindor, but the thing is I always thought that I had a Ravenclaw in me, and aaaaah I'm so exciteeeeed! Oh and there are four houses; Horned Serpent, Wampus, Thunderbird and Pukwudgie.

Here is the wallpaper of my house. That's so ravenclaw, get it? Lol

If you haven't already, click here to get sorted into your house at Ilvermorny. And tell me which one you get into please, I would love to know!

I'll see you later, and until then stay beautiful!

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