Saturday 26 March 2016

The death of Harry Potter characters & how I felt

The death of Albus Dumbledore:
It really scared me, I was afraid that Harry couldn't make it without Albus. I was thinking about how he would kill Lord Voldemort.

The death of Severus Snape:
To be honest, I didn't cry THAT much, but I always feel bad for him because the love of his life died and he could not do anything...

The death of Voldemort:
I was having one of the happiest moments of my life.

The death of Fred Weasley:
His death scene was the scene which I've cried the most. I felt so bad, and all those edits about him and George. Especially this one:

The death of Cedric Diggory:
The screams of Harry... Oh my god that was bad, really bad. I was so confused, and sad.

The death of Hedwig:
I cried a lot, because I knew that the death of Hedwig represented the end of the childhood of Harry. I had that feeling of being so scared, and realising that I was not a child anymore too while watching it.

The death of James & Lilly Potter and Sirius Black:
I was sorry for Harry about not having a real family, and he found out about Sirius later, which made me so happy. But when that Bellatrix bitch killed him, ugh... That was so unexpected. Even I felt so lonely...

The death of Dobby:
I avada kedavra you Bellatrix!

The death of Bellatrix Lestrange:
Misses Weasley, you are such a role model.

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